Upgrading to Tango Pro or Tango Enterprise enables custom branding for:
Tangos shared via copied links - add a custom logo to show in place of the Tango logo and optionally remove the "Created with Tango" badge
Embeds- add a custom logo on title slide, optionally remove "Created with Tango" branding on final slide
HTML and Markdown Exports - removal of Tango watermarks on screenshots and optionally remove the Created with Tango badge
PDFs - add a custom logo on the final page, remove Tango watermarks on screenshots and optionally remove the Created with Tango badge
Workspace admins can navigate to the Workspace settings tab to access branding features. Here, they can add a brand logo to all Tangos in the Workspace.
Workspace admins are also able to designate custom action box colors.
Lastly, the "Created with Tango" badge can be toggled off across all formats.
See also: