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How to understand Workflow views

You can see the total Views on any Tango in your Workspace. You can also see detailed viewer analytics for Tangos you created.

Andi Bailey avatar
Written by Andi Bailey
Updated over a week ago

Tango users can see the number of views on any Workflow they have access to. Workflow views are calculated when a Tango link (eg. a digital version of the Workflow) is opened by a viewer or when an embedded Tango has been viewed at least one step into the Workflow.

Where can I find my workflow views?

You can find your workflow views in a few places:

1. On the Workflow summary card in the Tango application

Untitled step

2. At the top of the Workflow’s page itself.

Untitled step

Can I see who viewed my Workflow?

Yes! If you are the workflow Creator, or the Admin of a Workspace, you can see detailed Viewer Analytics by selecting the ellipses on the cover of any Tango, or next to the edit button when viewing the workflow. Check out this article for more info.

Why is the number of views different than I expected?

There could be a couple of reasons why your Workflow shows a different number of views than you expected:

  • We do not count a Workflow view if you are the creator of the Workflow and view your own Workflow.

  • If you share a link with someone, they may have viewed it multiple times on different browsers or devices. Each of these views counts towards the total number.

  • If you are logged out of Tango and view your own Workflow, we are unable to identify your account and will count those views as well.

  • If you export your Workflow as a Tango LiveEmbed (iframe) and embed it in a platform like Notion or Confluence, we will track a view when someone navigates through your workflow.

  • Views of Tangos exported as PDF, MagicCopy as well as Markdown formats are unable to be captured and are not included in total Workflow views.

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